Monday, April 23, 2012

Healing Hearts on Mother's Day

This Mother's Day... what might it look like if we are ALL mindful of the brokenhearted mamas? 

In the midst of so much celebration, there are also those that experience tremendous grief, heartache and despair. 
I encourage you to make a CHOICE to be BOLD in LOVE and reconcile GRIEF, ANGER, DENIAL, DEPRESSION & SHAME.   
This VERY impactful post gripped me... it shows this picture, the precious feet of the baby she has lost...Infant Loss at 41 weeks , sure she has 2 boys, but it really doesn't matter, she lost her baby girl, she LOST a CHILD, her hope and dreams, part of her soul, there is no replacement EVER.  I'm SO encouraged by Birth Without Fear Blog this awesome site which empowers women to choose to be educated not afraid of birth and share their story, no matter what they choose or what their birth entails- it's their own! 
About 1 in 3 women (see statistics here) from the American Pregnacy Association will experience loss during pregnancy.  Whether miscarriage or stillbirth; the odds are high that someone in your circle of influence will feel this pain.  Stop and think.  How many do you know? 
Can you imagine if Mother's Day EMPOWERS healing in the hearts of ALL moms? 
Can you imagine... IF we give EVERY mom we KNOW who has EVER experienced child grief- from infertility, to birth loss OR even special needs children (for there is sadness of broken motherhood dreams)... a hug AND a note or card-- even via email to say- I CARE!). 
It has the potential to create a POWERFUL circle of healing and give honor to cherished emotional memories whether fresh or buried. 
I felt compelled to do this POST not because of my story but because of these BRAVE parents of a dear friend of mine who reflect and share with such authenticity in the midst of tragedy JOYFUL IN HOPE; this is her FIRST Mother's Day without her Anna Joy, miracle baby and I am aching for her and I am in awe of her FAITH & COURAGE to seek Peace that Surpasses Understanding 
I always wanted to be a mom and although I knew a select few who struggled with pregnancy or baby loss; I never thought it'd affect me SO deeply.  At the beginning of my journey into motherhood 9 years ago, May of 2003, just AFTER the celebration of my "first" Mother's Day, a miscarriage at 11 weeks rocked my WORLD and has affected everything about who I am today.  God has blessed me with 3 healthy babies... but my journey has been marked with tremendous struggle with grief, anxiety, denial & depression.
I overflow with gratitude for all the healing that has happened so I can talk about this piece of my story; while I do not feel worthy of these precious gifts while my sisters in community are mourning, I claim it's not a comparison; it's a collaboration of compassion.   
Why NOT help bring brokenness into the "light" and acknowledge that they are NOT alone; God is IN the mess and it's a process; even though you hurt to YOUR CORE. 
Please re-post or share this IF you believe this is important this Mother's Day and YOU want to do this in your "circle" to SHOW you have a heart for mamas & their births! 
Remember the picture is of this mother’s sweet baby’s feet.  Just a reminder that no matter how small you are, your impact can be immeasurable.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Should I try Pilates?

I used to run, kickbox, play basketball, do yoga and had visions that I could jump start my finess regimine with boot camp.  Some friends swore by it... it's peer pressure, you do it early in the morning and you learn what you are made of.  COOL I thought... did I mention I'm a bit of an optimist?  The day before surgery to "remove" my foot hardware I thought I'd go to boot camp... you know just kick start my butt into gear...hehe. 

Then I thought about it for a few minutes... why risk injury... running, jumping, a lot of pushing my body in ways that probably wouldn't help energize me but rather remind me of how far I have yet to go? 

Yes, we all can deny reality... the truth is I'm still recovering from shattering my right foot, undergoing surgery with a plate, pins & screws, 4 months off my foot, doing some PT and then becoming pregnant.  Really haven't done much physical activity in the last 2 years besides "birth"- YES that counts (18 hours for the 3rd kid- heck yeah!) and lifting my kids.  Then I got my hardware out about 6 weeks ago and the REAL rehabilition began a few weeks after.  I found Tyler Physical Therapy in Montrose, CA.  It's where I go for physical therapy...and see the limitations of my foot... but I'm excited to do my part too to regain function; I have MANY years ahead and I've always been an active person... pilates seems like a good, calculated step for the "inner strength" I have been yearning for while rehabilitating my foot. 

Should I try pilates?

No matter your age or physical abilities, Pilates can help improve strength and flexibility.  Pilates exercises focus on developing a strong “core” while conditioning the whole body and improving body awareness, posture, and coordination.

While many who suffer from injuries or weaknesses find “traditional” exercise methods difficult, most Pilates exercises are low or no-impact, and are performed in seated or reclined positions. 

Pilates is so safe, it is often used in conjunction with physical therapy to rehabilitate injuries.  At the same time, Pilates techniques can easily be modified to challenge even the most well-conditioned athletes.

Among the many benefits of Pilates are that it increases your strength without “bulking” you up.  Pilates doesn’t typically increase your heart rate to an aerobic level, but you may find that strength training with Pilates does help whittle your waistline.

Make sure to talk with your instructor about changes in your body or injuries you may have.  Our Pilates instructors are trained to offer modifications if you find techniques uncomfortable.  Listen to your body!

They have a wide range of classes as early as 6am and weekends... there are only 4 to a class; to ensure special attention and improved technique. 

Try a FREE class on Sundays... see more Classes & Sessions here... they range from $15 to $10 an hour depending on quantity. 
A group Pilates mat class designed to challenge participants of every ability level. Pilates mat work builds strength, improves flexibility and enhances coordination. FREE Trial Class open to new clients only. Must reserve in advance by calling TPT at 818-369-7700. Openings are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Save the Earth one lunch at a time!

I LOVE these because a mom was looking for a solution and she made them.  Yup, that's what motherhood IS about... making the world better!!!  She cares about the next generation and our Earth! 

At Earth Swag, we don't want green products and green living to cost more. We are sending this coupon directly to you so that you can skip the retail store mark-up. Use code "earthday". 

In honor of Earth Day this week... get 50% OFF products + FREE Shipping.  So the wrap above is just $6 or see the sets with a sandwich wrap and 2 snack bags for $14. 

Plus, they do fundraisers IF you are looking for a good quality product that people can USE!  
See more here Earth Swag.  And make YOUR small contribution and help teach kids about less plastic in landfills. 

It's simple, but when you do it daily it makes a difference! 


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fitness Fling: 90 day challenge

It's Spring... I just can't help but feel inspired!  My skin tingles with anticipation, I feel like my wings are bursting forth out of a winter cocoon.  How about you? 

youthful exuberence... spread YOUR wings!
 In the midst of seasonal change, there are these moments of illumination when I yearn to be the mom I always envisioned and quite honestly I could launch head first or feet forward in about a gazillion directions and then get flustered, exhausted, overwhelmed or totally off course... BUT after a season of REST this last Winter and a bit of heartfelt reflection during the Lenten season... there is one goal that truly merges my personal spiritual, physical, emotional and mental goals AND aligns with getting my life priorities in order (God, Marriage, Children, Home, Self & Others): FITNESS!  Not exercise... cause that makes me feel inadequate, but fitness...


  1. The condition of being physically fit and healthy.
  2. The quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task.
suitability - aptitude - convenience - pertinence

simple yet profound fresh air from a family hike
The truth is since having kids not only has my body changed, but so have my habits along the way; many of which are NOT suitable for my kids and not healthy for my home.  Here is a picture I cherish... the "active" life in a "moment" I envisioned for my family.  We took a local walk and everyone enjoyed the fresh air... but it doesn't happen often enough.  There are many reasons I don't keep fitness a priority... and I will share more as we go along, but I hope you will we can be better equipped and encouraged in our life choices.  What is your "snapshot" of the life you envision? 

In recent months I have been asking other mamas what they do that works for them; especially those that have a knack for staying fit and seem more consistent at good choices and remain joyful about it!!

Although we are all different in what works for us, especially depending on the ages of our kids; but the common desire is usually the same... I should do something!  And then time passes, seasons change, we adjust our lives based on the urgent, we fight fatigue, we dream about "someday", we adapt our wardrobes to hide 10 pounds, we are out of breath before we know it and who knows what extra strain we are placing on our body and it's mode of operation!  But like good ol Nike says...

... we should do something... no matter how small.   In recent months I've pondered the simple to the outrageous in terms of fitness.  It's really no wonder we as a society struggle more than any other nation because we make it complicated and there are TOO many choices.  Let our kids remind us how simple it can be when they go outside to PLAY!

So... here's what we are going to do: keep it simple... more activity... some every day: 20 minutes at least, sure I hope I will have more energy, I hope I will eat better, my clothes may fit better, I want to sleep better, enjoy activities and life more... but rather than getting distracted with where to start... I'm going to FOCUS... and call it 90 days of Fitness Fling... April 15...May 15... June 15... July 15.  

Join the event page here via Facebook: Fitness Fling: 90 day challenge
So whether you swear by kid chasing at the park,  Stroller Strides, Biking, Boot Camp, Barre Classes, Hiking, Kickboxing, Spinning, Zumba, Swimming, Walking OR Yoga ... let's explore what it's taken to kick start YOUR motivation, to energize YOUR post baby body and help "nurturemama" on a consistent basis?  Share with us what works for YOU?

And if we want to be HONEST... think about what REALLY holds you back?  What's your excuse?  Energy?  Time?  Money?  Age?  Injury? Accountability?  We all have them. 

Now I'm not just talking diet or weight loss... often the "quick fix" our society tries to sell us to do it fast. 
Are you like me at all?  Have you bought gear for your kids and then watched them use it?  Have you invested in new shoes, videos, memberships somewhere or grabbed great deals from Groupon, but not a whole lot has changed?  Are you trying to motivate your husband or friends to do it; but they aren't following through?

I'm gonna do whatever I can to CHOOSE a more active lifestyle and strong inner core... my baby turns 10 months this month she'll be walking any day (it just makes me feel tired thinking about it!) and my boys, ages 6 and 3 are as energetic as ever.  My hubby LOVES the great outdoors and we miss being immersed in nature.  Although it's been a tough few years and I'm recovering from foot injury (and I've used that as my reason for awhile), I'm in physical therapy and there are a lot of things I shouldn't do- like Boot Camp, Running, even Yoga cause my balance is off... but there are things I can do and should do to help expedite my recovery and align me on the right path.  90 days seems long enough to inspire SOME progress and new awareness of building back up my "inner strength". 

I'm going to ponder a reward too... maybe it'll be one of those cool outfits in the Athleta catalog... or a Spa retreat to Ojai... I KNOW feeling energetic and healthy is reward in itself for me and my family... but why not celebrate meeting the challenge right?  Overcoming challenges... day by day.

Let me know IF and WHEN you choose to join along... whether you are stagnant or just needing to mix up your fitness routine...I hope you are encouraged... for it always takes profoundly simple steps toward big transformation... no matter where you are in life and the daily demands that "entrap" you, you can choose. 

April 15, 2012

EVENT: Vintage Clothing & Textile Show: Sunday, April 29, 9am-3pm

The Vintage Clothing & Textile Show comes to Burbank's Pickwick Gardens on Sunday, April 29, 2012.  Even if you aren't able to "BUY"... this looks like a fun outing to explore, take pictures and get inspiration for your living space or your wardrobe!  And it's a simple way to "nurture mama"; kiddos in carriers welcome... who knows how hard it may be to push strollers.

Conscientious and savvy dealers save their best material for this show, which has been running since the early 1980s. In addition to beautiful designer clothing from a variety of eras, shoppers can find bed linens, Victorian lace, draperies and cushions, decorative trims, buttons, shoes, and handbags. Liven up your jewelry collection with beads, pendants, medallions, precious stones and more.

Tickets are available for $2.50 to $6.00 TODAY only... see Goldstar: Vintage Clothing & Textile Show and buy your ticket IF you want to join in this fun, exploratory outing... let's grab a coffee in Montrose at 8:30am (location TBD... just confirm your interest in joining!)

We can carpool or caravan over to Burbank to check out the show from 9am to 11am, to beat the crowds.  Anyone have any "favorite" Burbank thrift shops open on Sunday?  Maybe we'll hit up a few thrift stores or garage sales on our rounds back home by 2pm.  Cameras, creative souls & friends welcome on this treasure hunt.


life as mom, is ALL about the journey NOT the destination